Chemical composition and digestibility of Acacia species provenances in northern Ethiopia
June 8, 2019
A study was conducted at Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Northern Ethiopia, with the objective of evaluating chemical composition, anti-nutritional constituent and digestibility of Acacia saligna provenances. Leaf samples from 15 provenances of three Acacia species (A. saligna, A. microbotrya and A. daphnifolia) were collected during the wet season (late August). Conventional chemical analysis procedures and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) were used to determine the nutritional and anti nutritional content of the Acacia provenances. Results showed that crude protein content was highest (28.3%) in ‘Bulk of four enclosures’ and lowest (16.4%) in ‘Mingenew’. A range of 1.41% – 3.03% and 4.02%-9.45% values were recorded for fat and ash respectively. The fiber contents ranged from 28.3% to 37.1%, 22.6% to 36.2%, 2.34% and 4.96% for Neutral Detergent Fiber, Acid Detergent Fiber and Acid Detergent Lignin respectively. Digestibility was highest (73.6 %) in ‘Tincurrin’ and lowest (62.9%) in ‘Arrowsmith River’. The highest tannin content was in ‘Tincurrin’ while low in ‘Bulk of four enclosures’. The results of this study showed that the Acacia provenances in general contained high levels of nutrients and hence have potential as supplementary feed for ruminants in northern Ethiopia.